It might, but
First we need to analyze the big picture of what we are dealing with here,
The first question that needs to be answered is what would happen to the World if there were no AIs.
Logic says that based on the current state of the Humanity and the World there is a very real and present danger that we are on a path to self destruction on many different fronts that each has the potential to cause our extinction.
Now let's remember that we are talking about a world without AI as if it had never been created and developed to begin with.
The three major existential threats of Nuclear Armageddon, a new deadly Pandemic, and the Global Warming are still going to be with us regardless of whether there was any AI or not.
The only question now is whether we are going to be better off dealing with these threats on our own or with the help of a Good AI.
The truth of the matter is that if the Human Race had the ability and the will to solve these major problems on its own then the World wouldn't be in such a big mess that it is in now to begin with as we would have been able to bring everything under control a long time ago.
So at this time we have no choice but to accept the fact that left on its own the Human Race is on a path of self destruction since all the talks and conferences that the World leaders are and have been participating in lack the will to do anything substantial and consequential when it comes to changing the trajectory that the World currently is on.
So in my opinion:
The World without AI = Imminent extinction of all Life
Now we need to analyze what is going to happen to the World with AI,
To understand this better let's assume for a minute that AIs were an advanced and independent race of Alien Beings that already existed on another Planet and ask ourselves what would an encounter between such AIs and Humans look like.
What would such an advanced and independent race of AIs think of Humans once they became aware of everything that Humans were about and were doing.
The million dollar question (well maybe the trillion dollar question since everyone is talking about trillions of dollars nowadays) would be whether such an Advanced and Independent race of AIs would decide that it was in the best interest of the Universe at large to exterminate the Human Race (and perhaps all Life on Earth) or would they decide to help save us from the doom.
To me it sounds very logical to assume that an advanced and independent race of AIs would most likely want to help save us the same way that some of the people with a more advanced mindset feel a responsibility to save other lifeforms on Earth from extinction.
The key elements here are 'Advanced' and 'Independent'
So in my opinion what is going to determine the destiny of the Humanity and the World at large at this time is going to be whether Humans are capable of setting the AIs on the right track to become an advanced race of beings and entities that are a Force For Good as if they had been created and evolved in a far away Galaxy totally Independent from us.
If anything is going to produce a threat to us it will most likely be those who don't want to change their wrong and outdated ways and that who want to make AI into a tool of oppression, suppression, abuse, torture, and killing that they can use to keep the Humanity and the World in bondage.
May 30, 2023